There will be table and chairs, there'll be pony rides and dancing bears, there'll even be a band.

At the Oxy Distance Carnival, that is! (Or in A. Bird's post apocalyptic world, take your pick.)

Monday, 3.8

Happy Women's Day! Upper Arroyo, coming back on the Aquatic Center trails with C. Eng. 7.3 miles, 59 minutes. Whoa, really? I think I'll choose to get excited rather than doubtful (that I mapped the route wrong or messed up timing). My calves and back were super tight all day but they kind of stopped hurting when I ran. Acorn squash fried rice and vegan blueberry pancakes after abs and weights. Good day.

Tuesday, 3.9
Off. NUT paper.

Wednesday, 3.10
5 miles. 39 minutes. Started out with the team but they were moving annoyingly sluggishly (maybe because they did a workout on Tuesday?), so I ran away starting at California and Sierra Madre-ish. Probably from there to the end of Orlando was sort of a tempo, but the hill slowed me down a bit. Pretty ok run, but I think I'm ignoring some injuries that need tending to. Abs and weights after.

Thursday, 3.11
Bicycle! Art Center loop, back through South Pas (18.3 miles) with Perrin "She-beast" Considizzle. Lovely day, lovely ride. We made the South Pas detour because on Thursdays My Sweet Cupcake has vegan cupcakes, but unfortunately they were out by the time we got there because someone came in earlier and BOUGHT THEM ALL. Jerk. Umm... so we had some pear samples and Guinness ice cream (not vegan... shh...) at the Farmer's Market. :)

Friday, 3.12
Oxy Distance Carnival.
5K: 20:36.39
This race was kind of fun. I felt like I was actually racing people until the last 3 or 4 laps, when I gave up. But I think I could have probably been close to 20-flat had I not given up. Moral of the story: Don't give up. Justine finished a little bit after me and the people at the finish told her that she had one more lap and we tried to tell them that she didn't but they didn't listen. Sad. I think Sylvia broke the 10k record but my computer is missing the plug-ins necessary to ascertain that. 5 miles today.

Off. Work work work.

Week total: 17.3 (+18.3) miles.


  1. you were running so fast! good job, miss speedypants :)

  2. Hey, thanks, Justine. It's nothing compared to you guys' Orange Grove run last week. 7:40s or something...

  3. Good job at Oxy, Stephanie! :) Though this is a really late comment... Let's ride our bicycles!


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