Lava flows over crooks and craggy cliffs to the ocean and explodes in a steam heat fevered cyclical motion.

Monday, 3.22
Go into your cabin. On the left-hand wall you'll see a WHITE BOX. On the LOWER LEFT CORNER of this box there's a WHITE KNOB. TURN IT to adjust the heater. Is that clear? If you don't think you can figure it out, I'll go down there with you.
Monterey to Big Sur, including the 17-mile-drive. 43 miles. Somewhere along the way, we stopped at a wee trail and ran up it for a nice view, and after arriving at the campground, we went on a relaxed trail run. Probably ran about 4.5 miles today.

Tuesday, 3.23
It's not the hills that get you, it's them windy roads! (Dorito girl)
Big Sur to Cambria. ~72 miles. Soldiering on. So much crap was carried over so many hills...

Wednesday, 3.24
Can I take your picture? I'm just going to take your picture. Sorry. (S. Wuerth)
Cambria to Santa Maria. ~74 miles. Stopped in SLO for lunch. Orcutt + Lopez wine country route was nice, thanks MH. Clara had the load, again, thanks MH.

Thursday, 3.25
We just keep pedaling. (C. Eng)
Santa Maria to Santa Barbara.~80 miles.

Friday, 3.26

Saturday, 3.27
53 minutes 0n Eaton Canyon/Altadena Crest trails. ~6 miles

Sunday, 3.28
76 minutes on Eaton Canyon/Altadena Crest trails. ~8.5 miles

Week total: ~19 miles + (269 miles)


  1. "So how were all your breaks kids?!" "Good!!" Anyways, I like the quotes. I think they're cute, Annie. :P


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