Arousal and performance.

Arousal in short spurts is adaptive. We perform better under moderate arousal, but optimal performance varies with task difficulty.

Monday, 4.26

2 striders
4x400: 81, 83, 85, 87
4x200: 39, 37, 38, 37
3.5 today? (w/ warm-up and cool-down)
Justine was there! Yayyyyyyyy! In periwinkle.

Tuesday, 4.27
36 minutes easy. 4.2 miles. 6 striders.

Wednesday, 4.28
5x300m: 58, 57, 58, 58, 58 (one more of those may have been a 57) Yay consistency.

Thursday, 4.29

Friday, 4.30
SCIACs Day One.
3000m SCH: 12:33.21, 7th place
A new PR! Not by much, but I'll take it, considering never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined beating last season's times anytime soon. (Terrible sentence... I apologize but it's late and I just took a midterm...) 20 minute warm-up, 5 minute cool down... 3.7 miles today?

Saturday, 5.1
SCIACs Day Two.
Today's 5k was kind of messed up. They miscounted the laps (I think they were already off at lap 3 or 4) and made everyone run 5400m, save those who refused. I ran 5k then jogged 400. No official time, but my sources estimate 19:49-19:50 for the 5k. I had hoped to be closer to or under 19:30, but this is still a pretty huge season PR, so I'll take it, especially since the incorrect lap counting threw me off a bit. 2000m later in the evening, with some imbibing and purging. (18:26). 7.5 miles today.

Sunday, 5.2
Off. Sickish and second of 2 midterms. I <3 GPS.

Week total: 23ish


  1. Uh huh... so how're you going to optimize, Stephanie Wuerth?

  2. good job, awesome one. you fill my heart with pride (and you don't even faceplant afterwards). :P


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