The few, the proud...

Monday, 4.5
Orange Grove, 6.66 miles, 50:51. Hmmm... Orange Grove is a fast one. Hamstrings are still pretty tight; legs are still pretty dead. (Side note: I would like to run a 5k north to south on Lake ignoring stoplights. I feel like it would be really speedy. Like... 19:00. Think there would be a small enough chance of getting hit by a car if I did this at 2am on a Sunday night?) After the run, we did 3 Heather ab circuits. I feel like Heather is getting a legacy here. I hope Caltech distance women will continue to call them Heather abs for years hence. (Speaking of, I miss Heather! And Justine and Perrin and Best and Sedona. Our women's team has dwindled to a mere 6 regular runners. Maybe if I start treating everyone to donuts or poking people with a stick like Anton does, our turnout will improve. *Sigh*)

Tuesday, 4.6
12 400's in 3 sets of 4. 2:30 for each within a set (so, 1 minute break for a 90 second 400), and 5 minutes between sets.

First set: 90, 88, 87, 87
Second set: 88, 104, 105, 91
Third set: 103, 95, 87, 122
For shits and giggles: 86 (after 3 minute break)

The plan was to run 90's, but then Masha and Sylvia were running slightly faster, so I tried to stay with them and gave up after the fifth (clearly). On the 8th, I was planning to run slowly but when Garrett came along I decided to run with him, which was fun. He thanked me for helping him out, but I think he helped me more. Before the 11th, Sylvia was like "Stephanie... you should run with me on these last two or lead them or something, because you definitely can..." so I tried to do that. But on the 12th I gave up again. The heat and the late lunch creeping up were unpleasant. Then I felt bad for that last one and ran another after moping for a couple minutes. 20 minutes of cooling up and warming down today. 5.3 miles?

Wednesday, 4.7
Lacy Long, plus a little extra around Arden at the end. 4.4 miles. 38 minutes or so, if I remember correctly. 6 striders. 5 miles today w/ warm-up + striders.

Thursday, 4.8
Off. Because I just couldn't find the time to run for 14 minutes... (the workout today was two 7-minute intervals at 3ooom pace)

Friday, 4.9
Pre-Race plus 6 striders. ~4 miles.

Saturday, 4.10
Pomona Invite. Ran the 1500m in something depressingly slow. Probably because I granny-jogged the last 100m... after giving up on winning the slow heat and a t-shirt. After the race, I went into Claremont to find something sans animal product (what's up with Julie failing at buying things that I can eat?) and impulsively bought an enormous pastry with banana pudding in it... (things did not go according to plan). Then I felt crummy (lactose!) and decided not to run the 5k. I probably ran 4 miles today.

Sunday, 4.11
Off off off off.

Week total: ~25 miles


  1. Why can't things just go according to plan? :/ But there are two more meets left. Three if you count Oxy Invite, where you should rock out in the 10K. :P

  2. OMG do it! (the N-S lake run) If when I get back into shape, I totally want to do that with you :). and then I can finally go sub 20!


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