I'm going to be a geochemist, and enjoy life.

Monday, 4.19
Lorain. 6.1 miles, 47 minutes, with Susan (!) and Masha. Felt pretty good. Fresh legs. 3 Heather ab circuits after.

Tuesday, 4.20
Off. Longer in lab than expected.

Wednesday, 4.21
Despite my desire to run Patrician, I decided to be a good kid and make up yesterday's workout.
20 minutes warm-up (during which time I started to run Patrician but then decided to be a good kid)
12x200, 2 minutes to complete each (so ~80 seconds rest):
39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 37, 40, 39, 39, 39, 39
10 minutes cool-down.
~5 miles today.

Thursday, 4.22
Off. Class at 5, lacking motivation.

Friday, 4.23
(600, 400, 300, 200)x2 'at 1500m pace.' Wasn't really feeling it... ran everything in ~90-95sec/lap pace except for the 200's, which were both around 40sec. Only 6 minutes of warming up and cooling down, so 2.6 miles?
Later this night I ran a beverage 1200m followed by 800m cool down. 3.8 miles today.

Saturday, 4.24
Satisfied my long run craving: Patrician from Michael's: 14.1 miles, 1:52. Woot. Patrician is just another run again, I think. Just under 8 minute pace. 29 miles so far this week. The last time I hit 30 was the week of November 16.

Sunday, 4.25
Off. Working all day. Around 10pm I considered going on a run but then I decided that I didn't want this week to be 30+ because that would be dumb. Because this wasn't a good week. For running. So anyway I went for a walk w/ Michael instead to get the lactic acid moving.

Week total: 29 miles.
