I am just a speck of dust inside a giant's eye.

Monday, 4.12
S. Orange Grove, 6.74 miles, 51 minutes. Weird weather was afoot.

Tuesday, 4.13
Two sets of 5x300m, 2:30 total for each 300m (so a little less than 1:30 rest)
First set: 61, 60, 60, 59, 59
Second set: 61, 60, 61, 61, 64
Pretty consistent except for the last one. Not bad, considering I really really wanted to be sleeping. I was excited that the workout was a short one. I was expecting something hard because I thought we didn't have a meet this weekend... but we do have one... it's next weekend that's free. 4.5 miles today w/ warm-up (~1 mile), 2 striders, and cool-down (~1.5 miles).

Wednesday, 4.14
40 minutes super easy on San Pasqual, etc. 4 miles.

Thursday, 4.15
400m, jog 100m, 300m, jog 200m, 200m. 3 miles w/ warm-up and cool-down.

Friday, 4.16
I turn 21 in a month.

Saturday, 4.17
Recuperating. Skipped out on the track meet due to sickishness. Sylvia rocked out though, apparently. Was feeling OK by evening so decided to go to Max Z's birthday party at the Dome in Monterey Hills. Biked there w/ Michael, took the Gold Line back. 12 miles of biking (mostly downhill)

Sunday, 4.18
Biked to Silver Lake to meet up w/ Lauren for lunch at good microbrew. Took the metro back. 15 miles (again, mostly downhill)

Week total: 18.2 (+ 27 bicycle)


  1. gawwwd.. I'm glad you felt better on Saturday, though :)


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