"Keep going, keep going, keep going until a little something inside you says, 'keep going.'" (Frank Horwill)

Monday, August 2

Tuesday, August 3
Lower, with some backtracking for digestive issues. 9.3 miles.

Wednesday, August 4
45 minutes, mostly North Field. 5 miles.

Thursday, August 5
Off. Couldn't get up in time to run before lab (it seems like this week I've required 10+ hours of sleep and still can't function properly...), and then had a SURF donor dinner until 9:30 when I went back to lab until 10:30...

Friday, August 6
4 mile tempo at the Rose Bowl. 26:36 (6:39 pace). I had a stomach full of black bottom blondies and tomato soup, so it was bound to be unpleasant. Warming up was uncomfortable, and the run was, too, until about 3 miles in when I seem to have achieved some sort of rhythm. My legs were lethargic at the beginning but quite sprightly at the end. 15 minute warm-up, 30-minute cool down (because I saw Justine coming down from running Patrician, and we ran almost a whole 5k loop together). 9 miles.

Saturday, August 7
Brown Mountain, to Millard Campground and back, fire roads the whole time, with Clara. Last summer I ran this with Ian, except we went down the canyon on the way back (slightly shorter?) and it took 85 minutes. I said it was 10 miles. This time it was (roughly) 12, but we backtracked a bit, so I'm adding 1.5 miles for that. I don't know how long we ran, because I had a watch error at some point. 13.5 today. I want to say something else. Something about a sweet corn tamale. Or fantasies. But I just don't know how to phrase anything.

Sunday, August 8
A nice run in Monrovia Canyon Park with Clara. "The Sawpit Canyon Fire Road / Ben Overturff Trail loop is 7.2 miles roundtrip from the lower parking lot with 1,850' altitude gain." We basically did that, but continued past the Deer Creek junction a bit. Trail conditions got crummy though, so we didn't go very far before turning back. I'll say today was 7.6 miles. 85 minutes. Up until Deer Creek junction, the trail was sooooo awesome though! I'm really glad we did this.

Week total: 44.4 miles.


  1. I'm glad we did that too. :) Good run, team. (haha Castle XC)


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