Retreat to the forests!

Hood to Coast this week! With Perrin, Clara, and CMC alums (Adjective Nouns Verbing Adverbially From Hell). We came in 8th (of 315) in the Mixed Open category, in 23:48:49. It's nice to finish in under a day.

Monday, 8.23

Tuesday, 8.24
Off. Was planning to run but woke up several times during the night to dry heave and was concerned about my health, so slept in.

Wednesday, 8.25
Off. Driving to Portland!

Thursday, 8.26
40 minutes on Wildwood Trail with Perrin. So nice! Then some strenuous playing with Leon. ("But I'm tired" / "No you're NOT!")

Friday, 8.27
Leg 6: 7.42 miles, "Hard," Rollers then gentle downhill (480 ft net loss). 49:12 (6:38/mile)/

Saturday, 8.28
Leg 18: 4.15 miles, "Hard," Gradual uphill for the most part, 250 ft net gain. 29:26 (7:12/mile).
Leg 30: 5.35 miles, "Moderate," Net 500 ft downhill, but with some little climbs thrown in there. 35:51 (6:42/mile).

Sunday, 8.29
Off. Long haul back to SoCal.

Week total: 21 miles or thereabouts. Took a lot of days off this week.
