How do you swim in a city this shallow?

Monday, August 9
Huntington with Aron. 5.61 (Aron's Garmin stuff below) + 0.6 (Schloss to Keck, Keck to Schloss). 6.2 miles.

I like running with Aron. He tells me what pace we're going. Also, he's good company. I enjoy analyzing this data ^^ much better than what Aron and I looked at last summer...

Tuesday, August 10
30 minutes NF with Clara. Abs, Vibram fitting, and fig tree raping after. Canola oil is actually rapeseed oil.

Wednesday, August 11
City. 16.4 miles. 2:22. Pit stop at Cafecito Organico (vegan cinnamon roll, coffee), ended at Babycakes and had the best chocolate chip cookie I've ever tasted.

Thursday, August 12

Friday, August 13
Shapiro-Style Chantry Duathlon. Technology is sometimes pretty OK. 20 miles bicycle + 5 miles running. Felt good.

Saturday, August 14
15.5 miles, Trippet Ranch to Mullholland (where it starts being paved) and back, w/ Clara. We were trying to do a 9ish mile loop but we missed the turn and all we could think to do was backtrack. We feared that we would perish of thirst on the way back but were revived by offerings of Gatorade slushies from some mountain bikers. So delicious.

Sunday, August 15
10 miles. Lacy Long w/ Katherine, Clara, and Sachith, then a brief break during which I tried on Ian's Vibrams, then a test run in them. They seemed to be working out OK... but we'll see how things feel tomorrow.

Week total: 56.6 miles. Doh.


  1. wow, fancy... why don't the average speeds match up, though? Also, the arrows look like asian emoticons. ^^

  2. They do match up. One is in mph (speed) one is minutes/mile (pace).

  3. holy shit, lady. have I ever mentioned that you're kind of awesome and inspire me?


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