Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Monday, 8.16
"I've been itching for an adventure all day," said Justine, in the car on the way to Monterey Park.
All smiles after making it down the steep hill with the squishy green stuff.
We ran through that. It was so gross but so awesome.
After emerging from the storm drains, we hopped around on some rocks and navigated our way along the prickly grassy hill next to the 710. Then we triumphantly climbed this hill. Then some stuff happened... and every time we were gaining momentum someone would yell "Jello!" and we would have to stop. We probably only ran 3 miles, but it was still a worthwhile endeavor.

Tuesday, 8.17

Wednesday, 8.18
4.2 miles. I left the Schloss planning to run to the Rose Bowl and either do a tempo run once there or Patrician backwards if I didn't feel like running briskly. But after a few strides the back of my right groin / bottom of my right glute (their intersection?) screamed out "Stephanie! Don't do it!" so I hobbled to the gym instead. The North Field was closed for maintenance so I plopped down dejectedly in the ab spot then stretched and stretched and stretched but nothing helped. So I decided to hobble to Lacy. (What else am I supposed to do? Go home?) Ended up hobbling Lacy Long, but once I got to Allen and San Pasqual I realized that I looked like one of those people who you see running that look like they're torturing themselves and you think "why is that person running?" So I walked back to the Schloss from there. Then I overstayed my welcome at my pity party in the Pilates for Men Room. I think I'm over it now.

Thursday, 8.19
5.8 miles. To Lacy and back with Garrett and Keeley, then a pit stop for some tasty Greek food in Lloyd, then onwards and upwards (backwards and downwards?) for a couple more miles. With Garrett and Keeley, no signs of injury. Things were still feeling good for a while until maybe the last mile. Pain in the (right) butt then down the leg to the knee. I don't know what the dealio is. Probably something like piriformis syndrome. Yay internet. Also I'm trying to figure out if this is the same as when I messed up my gluteus medius / IT band last fall/winter. I think it's slightly different. But kind of the same.

Friday, 8.20
Friday 400! With Perrin. Mile warm-up, 400m (72something), mile cool-down. 72something is not bad for me. Also, I got blood results. Everything is normal except my iron saturation, which is "11" ("normal range" is 15-55). Apparently this is no cause for concern. I'm just going to try to remember to take my vitamins more regularly and check back in a couple months. But why is it that all I want to do is sleep... and sometimes run? I was hoping for anemia.

Saturday, 8.21
Jet to Jetty 10k. 41:38 according to results, 41:19 according to Garmin. I think they messed up my "net time" somehow because it definitely shouldn't be the same as my chip time. Clara and I started near the back of the runners. We were planning to do a progression run, starting out at~9 min/mile pace and gradually picking it up, because I was worried about my butt and Clara's knee, but a couple minutes (seconds?) in, I decided that I couldn't handle it. There were so many people to race! Why waste it? So I went on my merry way. I tried to catch up to within sight of the first female runner (pigtails!) and then keep her in sight. I had given up hope of passing her when with about a mile to go she appeared to be pinching her side (stitch?)... so I passed her. I felt kind of bad about that. But I think that this might be the first race I've come in first for overall female, so that's kind of nice. 8 miles today. Also also also Sylvia's back! Flew into LAX around the time we were running next to it.

Sunday, 8.22
4.5 miles, super easy shake-out. Schloss-->San Pasqual-->San Gabriel-->Lombardy. It was hot, and my hamstrings are really sore. Are hamstrings going fast muscles?

Week total: 28 miles or so.


  1. I'll remind you about the vitamins! Just don't get annoyed at me. Also I hope your piriformis is okay. :/

  2. yay! congratulations on that 10k!


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