Butterflies present.

Perrin's high school xc coach said something about how it's time to stop being a competitive runner if you're ever at the starting line of a race and you have no butterflies in your stomach. I hope that never happens to me.

Monday, 9.6

AM: Rose Bowl Trail Run. 10.1 miles. Out w/ Keeley, Dennis, Alan, Andy, and Scott, back with Scott.

Tuesday, 9.7
AM: Oak Groves: 4:42, 4:39, 4:25 (w/ Scott), 4:27 (w/Juliette). 5.8 miles.
PM: 20 minutes barefoot SF. Core things.

Wednesday, 9.8
AM: Tu Rosemead. 6.6 miles.
PM: Hillcrest/El Molino/Glenarm/Oakland/California. 30 minutes. Yoga.

Thursday, 9.9
AM: San Marino Hills. 7.9 miles.

Friday, 9.10
AM: Pre-race. Lombardy to Smadre, back on Canterbury/Orlando.
PM: Redlands Invitational (Individual Results; Team). 8th/55 (1st non-Biola runner). 17:56.3 for 4.5k. This race went by really quickly. I felt good for the whole race, but I got bored in the middle when I had no one to run with, and I think I slowed down. Should have tried to catch up to the Biola folks. Oh well. I'm really happy with the team's performance. Our top 5 (Me, Juliette, Katja, Marlyn, and Clara) were all under 20:00. Compare that to last year when only Best (a.k.a. Kim Chee) and Masha were. We have a shot at being competitive with some teams this year, which is really exciting!

Saturday, 9.11
AM: Plump Lorain. 8.3 miles. Mostly with Juliette, the birthday girl.

Sunday, 9.12
I think I'll take today off.

Week total: ~53 miles. Some estimations are completely arbitrary.
