Sleep is a steroid.

So says Jill the Nutritionist. Apparently our bodies don't start making HGH until about the 6th hour of sleep. I think thus far during preseason I've only made HGH on the weekends. On the weekdays I've had to settle for a different performance-enhancing drug. I'll try my best to get to bed early this week.

Monday, 9.13
AM: Full Arroyo. 10.3 miles. Clara and I got a little excited there at the start, which peeved Susan, I believe. Then I had to stop to use the bathroom down by the baseball field. After catching up to Marlyn, Katja, and Clara I slowed down quite a bit. Regrouped @ Arroyo Dr. and ran back together (Juliette, Susan, Clara, Marlyn, and Katja).
PM: 13 minutes barefoot NF. Stubbed my toe on something hard and possibly metallic, which kind of hurt. Med balls and other things. Scott had us do that one exercise where you lay on your side with your knees bent, ankles together, then you lift the leg that's on top... it was one of the things Tess prescribed to me back in the Burgh. The Scottish one. Our butts/hips/IT bands are going to be strong ones if we keep this up... PS I think Marlyn's push-up circle is becoming a thing, which is cool.

Tuesday, 9.14
AM: Boo! My IT bands/glutes (both but esp. left) were so so so tight today. The plan was to do Shenandoahs (1200m hill x4), but during the warm-up I could barely move. Marlyn and Annie's knees (?) were bothering them so they were doing a flat interval workout at Lacy. I wasn't up for the hills either, so we decided to all do the Lacy intervals (defying Scott's orders :-P), for solidarity. 5 x1000m (outer paved loop, actually more like 965m, but close enough):
3:59* (still really tight)
3:42* (less tight I guess, also decided to keep Juliette company)
3:46 (w/ Juliette)
3:46 (w/ Juliette)
3:37 (Susan said to run the second half of this one like we're finishing a race. Pace is about 6:00/mile, so still not overwhelmingly speedy)
*some uncertainty on these times due to the limitations of my method of operating my Garmin (which involves pushing random things until it kind of does what I want it to). This workout was pretty similar to one I did with the Haries last year, but I'm mildly skeptical of the accuracy of those '1000m' intervals in the Meadows. 8 miles this morning.
PM: 11 minutes barely moving barefoot NF. 1 mile. Drills, yoga, laughter yoga (!). The laughter yoga definitely made me feel better. For a minute.

Wednesday, 9.15
AM: Tour de Parks. 6.1 miles. 8:30's. Having trouble moving. Talked to Andre about the tightness in everything north of the knees and south of the waist. He prescribed heating stretching strengthening and icing, especially for the gluteus medius(es) (R and L). Predictable, predictable.
PM: Gettin' splishy splashy in the pool. Aquajogging, leg swings, and drills. Core stuff after.

Thursday, 9.16
AM: (5 on, 2 off)x4 at Lacy (then a 5th one with Yifei, Vivian, and Annie.) The idea was to get the time to add up to our Riverside 5k goal times, so I think I was supposed to only run 4:30 of the 4th interval hard and then chill out, but I fail at using my watch.
PM: 13 minutes barefoot NF. Yogalicious.

Friday, 9.17
AM: Prerace. Lacy long, out to Smadre. 4.5 miles. Striders @ Lacy.
PM: 12.5 minutes barefoot NF. Light core.

Saturday, 9.18
Riverside Invitational. New 5k PR! 19:09. Splits were [5:40/11:58/something] I think. (You have to go out fast @ UCR. All the cool kids do it.) I slowed down somewhere in the middle due to loneliness and legs feeling funky. Eventually those 2 CMS runners (#8 and #9) caught up and passed me. Would have broken 19 had I gone with them. But it's ok! No regrets! Plenty of opportunities for that come track season. Juliette had an awesome race, too. 19:31! Katja ran herself into delirium (4 rlz) and Marlyn turned on the jets to run sub-21. I know Clara wasn't happy with her race but I think it was impressive. She course PR'ed by 1:24 just by running a little smarter (and a little faster). Annie and Vivian ran their goal paces, which is awesome (first 5k ever for Vivian). Exciting stuff. Top 5 average of 20:20, and only 7 points from CLU. They're going down. Down I say.

Sunday, 9.19
Offy off off.

Week total: 47 or thereabouts.
