Going through the motions.

The title refers not to my running this week but rather to my entire academic existence at Caltech. I finally took POW's advice and started seriously thinking about what will make me happy in life, and I think I have a plan. More on that later...

Don’t lose hope
Don’t feel sad
’Cause it’s a violent world
But there’s still beauty
I’ll take care of you
if you take care of me

In other news, a solid week of running:

Monday, 9.20
Patrician. 10 miles.

Tuesday, 9.21
Laguna Repeats (0.8 miles each)
5:01 (6:16 mile pace)
5:08 (6:25 mile pace)
5:13 (6:31 mile pace)
5:22 (6:43 mile pace)
For this one I was trying to hang on to the guys (Andy/Anton/Keeley/Cam/Scott) but was typically dropped on the hill. It was nice to have some people to chase, though.
8 miles today.

Wednesday, 9.22
6 mile run. Goal was 9:00/mi for the first 2 miles, 8:00/mi for the second 2, 7:00/mi for the last two. I think I ran faster than that though.

Thursday, 9.23
(6 on, 2 off)x4 at Garfield
Below are the distances my Garmin says I traversed in each 6 minute interval.
0.92 miles (6:31 mile pace)
0.93 miles (6:27 mile pace)
0.94 miles (6:23 mile pace)
0.92 miles (6:31 mile pace)
This sums to almost exactly a 6000m. I wouldn't complain about a 24:00 6k. Actually I probably would. :-/
9 miles today.

Friday, 9.24
Susan's Morning Special! 5.4 miles. Legs super dead. Dead dead dead. Then 6 wee striders.

Saturday, 9.25
Arroyo Tempo. 19:56 (9:50/10:06... negative split fail. oh well.) Scott and I decided that I would run the first in 10:10 then the second faster but then I went out too fast and I was all "Where's Scott?" But then he passed me towards the beginning of the second one and got further and further away. I hate that stretch next to the river. The mildly uphill rocky one. Oxy team sighting after the workout. Sucks for them that it was a bazillion degrees by the time they started. 8.5 miles today.

Sunday, 9.26

Week total: ~47 miles


  1. eichenLAUB. :P grassy special. your blog is not difficult to comment on. it is pleasant. but anyways, it is always good to have a plan. well, mostly. well i mean regarding what to do with one's life.

  2. the word verification for my previous post was "baconmac" i was amused, and thought i should share.

  3. gawwd, reading about your running endeavors makes me miss you so much :(. Reading that poem (that you wrote?) made me kind of sad... but I'm curious about who POW is, and what your plan is. Perhaps you can inspire me... :).


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