It's business time.

Preseason is here. I'm exhausted.

Monday, August 30

PM: 4.9 miles. Huntington variant. Easy.

Tuesday, August 31
AM: Full Arroyo. 9.5. With Marlyn for most. Pretty chill, somewhere between 80 and 85 minutes I think.
PM: 16 minutes barefoot on NF. Yoga led by Susan.

Wednesday, September 1
AM: Canon intervals (5x835m). 3:14, 3:12, 3:10, 3:10, 3:11. 6 miles. R foot hurts; need to ice but never have time. Or at least that's what I tell myself. Also, shoulders crazy sore from yoga.
PM: 21 minutes barefoot on SF. Medicine balls and other core/butt things.

Thursday, September 2
AM: Patrician with a brief detour for a restroom stop. 10.3. Groin/hamstrings sore/tight from yesterday's intervals. Some dynamic stretching in the the P4M room.
PM: 10 minutes barefoot on SF. Drills! Strider/crunches trade-off with Keeley. New addition to P4M room: small foam roller from Run With Us. Party like a rock!

Friday, September 3
AM: Plump Huntington backwards. 6.4 miles, 54 minutes. The grass was soooooo squishy. Squishy squishy squishy. This run was a struggle for me (dead legs, sore legs, bothered feet). I probably should have taken it easier.
PM: 22 minutes (~2.5 miles) around the block, in the Vibrams (Vee-brams?). Med ball, leg throws, and other ab things.

Saturday, September 4
AM: (First Annual?) Alumni Meet. 9.6 miles (This for warm-up and cool-down plus ~3 miles for the tempo). First loop in 10:09, second 10:22, for 20:37. I'm ok with this time given that it was a tough week following a tough couple days (Hood to Coast), but I'm a little sad about the positive split. I blame the dogs. Oh hey I have a comparison for this one: 21:00 last summer before leaving for Edinburgh, with relatively fresh legs. Looking forward to a day off...

Week total: 54.3 miles.


  1. lookin' good on those intervals! I'm sad I'm not there... :'(.

    how are the (pre)frosh!?

  2. Thanks! I have no numbers to compare those to... never used to keep track of these things.

    I wish you were here, too! But but but you should go rock out in Scotland.

    The prefrosh are great! Juliette, Marlyn, and Katja are running strong. Annie's got some IT band issues but I think they're getting better, and we have one more coming when orientation starts (who I know nothing about...). The young team reminds me of when we were frosh and it was basically us following KB around.


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