I don't mind the weather.

I've got scarves and caps and sweaters...

AND TIGHTS! I freaking love running in tights. I think I only ran in tights twice in the 4 years I lived in Pasadena--and those weren't even full length tights. But I brought all 3 pairs with me when I was a frosh... at least I got some use out of them in Edinburgh and on ski trips. Anywho, now I live in the mountains, and IT SNOWED LAST (Tues.) NIGHT! Full length tights were busted out.

10.24.2011 - 10.30.2011

Monday: Off. Working at cabin site all day. Getting as much done as we could before the snow that was forecasted for Tuesday/Wednesday.

Tuesday: In the afternoon, it still hadn't snowed in Lyons, but we saw the clouds up in the mountains from the high school. All the kids were excited by the possibility of a snow day Wednesday. It was pretty chilly today, so I wore my capri tights, which I am quite fond of. We ran 30 minutes on the picture rock trail, pretty easy. I ran out with Kelsey and back with Miriam. Then 6x100m with Kelsey. We were running them in 18-20 seconds, and I was miserable. It was so difficult! I guess it makes sense, though. These kids have been doing speed work for months, and I've just been hobbling. I feared the soreness that was sure to follow. 3/4 miles jog to school and back + 3.3 run + .4 strides ~~ 4.5 today.

Wednesday: Snow!!! Yesterday Mark said that the team might practice inside today if it was too cold/snowy out, that if I didn't see them on the track then I should find them in the weight room / his classroom. I ran to the high school (via the river trail, which had 4-6'' of snow on it... in retrospect I would have been better off running on the well-paved roads). I didn't see them on the track, but really wanted to run in the snow / on the road surrounded by the snow, so I didn't seek them out. From HS, ran on 2nd/Park back to Hwy 7, to Old St Vrain, and down it for a while, and back home (40 minutes, I'll say 4 miles since it was pretty leisurely). Note: Hamstrings are quite stiff from yesterday's 100's.

Thursday: 7 miles on Apple Valley Rd. Words cannot describe how beautiful it was on this run... especially after crossing Hwy 36 and climbing the hill. 9:37 avg pace, so pretty slow... the hamstrings are still quite tight.

Friday: Off. Some adventuring in Denver and feeling sick (sore throat and achy).

Saturday: Colorado High School State XC Meet. Lyons girls came in fourth (in 2A), boys second (almost first!). I think the girls were disappointed, but at least they'll all be back next year to make up for it. Though next year Lyons will likely be bumped up to 3A. I was feeling pretty sick-like (mostly just a sore throat, aches, and chills), but I still tried my best to cheer in various spots... and I jogged 3 miles between the girls race and the boys. Jogging made me feel sicker.

Sunday: Off. Mostly resting.

Sum: 20 miles. Back in the game?


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