Learning how to walk again.

10.10.2011 - 10.16.2011

Monday: Attempted to hobble about Chicago. So very painful, but the Aleve helped. Lunch with Kate, who reassured me that my shin would be OK in a few days (or possibly more). As we walked at 0.01 mph back to her office from the sushi place, she told me I was doing better than she was after her first 26.2, which made me swell with pride. Actually, I think I was swelling with... blood. Blood moving to EVERY muscle/joint/tendon of my entire lower 3/4.

Tuesday: Flew back to CO, hobbled around airports. Seriously considered taking one of those car thingies around, or getting a wheelchair.

Wednesday: Sat on my butt all day. This was my only day for this between Chicago and LA/Pasadena.

Thursday: Schloss sweet schloss. But it's not the same! Biked to Lacy to encourage the team as they ran their 54321. Other Steph was lookin' speedy. Also Marlyn's dad was there! Apparently he ran Chicago too and finished 5 minutes behind me/KB. Small world. Perhaps 7 miles biking.

Friday: Aquajogged for... 15 or 20 minutes. The AJ hurt, but the submerged leg swings felt magical, as always.

Saturday: Hobbled about the meet (SCIAC Multi-Duals) with the (also recovering from injury) Megumi. Men beat Redlands! Later in the day, did some abs/weights with Perrin.

Sunday: 4 mile hike with C. Eng in Malibu. Some scrambling at the end. I think scrambling and hiking are much easier with 4 functioning limbs. But it was a nice hike. Walking was 60% back to normal today. I'd say.

10.17.2011 - 10.23.2011

Monday: Bike/Metro LA date. Maybe 10 miles total. Plus lots of carrying bicycle up and down stairs.

Tuesday: Back to CO!

Wednesday: Attempted to shovel FROZEN SOLID SOIL all day at Michael's property. This is impossible for a woman of my strength. But we put a propane space heater in the "cabin" (by which I mean the space between the foundation walls which will become the crawl space) so that the soil would thaw overnight.

Thursday: The soil was still partially frozen but much softer and easier to deal with (thanks to my ingenious plan ;-) ). So much more is left to shovel though. THIS IS SO TEDIOUS! But at least I'm getting buff. Or destroying my back for life. In the PM, attended the regional HS XC meet at Lyons HS. Didn't get to run about much because I was working the shoot, getting vomited on, sweat on, etc.

Friday: More shoveling. Long day.

Saturday: 4 miles (Andesite) around dusk. HOLY MOLY I love crisp autumn air (mixed with the occasional fireplace burning smell) so much! I wanted to run forever in this climate, with the golden and red leaves surrounding me, and the trickle of the St. Vrain tickling my eardrums, but alas, it was getting dark, and my upper body was in a lot of pain, from the shoveling. The shin is pretty much back to normal though, it seems. R heel/ankle was a little bothered. (Easy, 34 minutes)
