"The race is long" (Smiley, quoting someone else).

10.3.2011 - 10.9.2011

Monday: 30 minutes, partly with the Lions. Not too much time to run. Felt really good at first then worse and worse as the run progressed. Heh... did I mention that I'm running a marathon on Sunday? Or at least attempting to.

Tuesday: The footing of the foundation is done! Progressssss! Yay. Ran a workout with some of the Lions (those who are in band did the workout today since they have to leave early tomorrow). 2 mile warm up, 2x150m, 600m, 2x150m, 800m, 2x150m, 800m, 2x150m, 600m, 1 mile cool down. 5.5 miles then, I suppose. I stayed with Hazel and Jenna, for the most part. We were supposed to get more brisk as the workout progressed. 150's ranged from 34 to 29 seconds. The first 600 was 3:02, second was 2:12 (Jenna and I only... I think Hazel was 2:18). 800's were 3:32 and 3:13 (both Hazel and Jenna). A good workout, if I do say so myself. The last 600 with Jenna felt really good. Got my legs going sub-6 pace for the first time in a while.

Wednesday - Saturday: Off. Though I suppose I walked around Chicago a lot. And ate a ton of delicious food! The race expo was exciting! Though I lost my camera there :-/

Sunday: Chicago Marathon!!! 3:41:18. A lot of fun! I promised myself (and Michael) that I wouldn't go any faster than 9:00/mile for the first half, but then the 3:40 pace group started with me, and their pace wasn't very difficult, so I thought what the heck? The last 2 miles were really difficult.

I'll be writing up a more detailed race report later, but for now I'll say that it's Friday, so it's been 5 days since the marathon, and my left shin is still hurting like hell. I talked to Andres about it (I'm in Pasadena!!), and he says it's most likely muscular, like a strain of a shin muscle. I think this basically means shin splints? I think I need to be super careful about this... since I think it can lead to a stress fracture if I'm not (Gah!). It hurts to walk. It hurts A LOT to walk. Biking also hurts. Aquajogging kind of hurts too. Should I get a cane or something?

Sum: 36ish.


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