The party's crashing us now.

Goals for the week: Don't run. Do PT routine every day.

Monday, 11.15
Off except for PT at Congress: Butt massage, stretching, bridges lifting legs (15 reps each leg. These are very similar to one-legged air humps), regular bridges (3 sets of 15), clams (3 sets of 12, each side, red band), isometric exercise involving standing and pushing my knee into the wall (20 sec, 3 times, each leg), ice. Note: I haven't taken Aleve since Saturday night and I feel about the same as when I was taking it, if not better.

Tuesday, 11.16
AM: Bicycle: Chantry: 20 miles. I didn't go past the parking lot because I was super tired, don't know why. Climb felt like it went on forever. Maybe because I was lonely. I don't really know. Stretch + foam roller after.
PM: Strengthening things (bridge, clam, isometric)

Wednesday, 11.17
Off except PT on my own.

Thursday, 11.18
Off except PT on my own.

Friday, 11.19
Off except PT at Congress. In addition to the stuff I did Monday, did leg curls with 9lb ankle weights and did side planks (20 seconds then 30 seconds, each side). She wanted me to put my arm straight up and look toward my hand. I think it might have made stabilization harder but mainly it hurt my neck. After my afternoon class I walked to the gym, planning on doing something active, but when I got there I realized I didn't have any shorts. I talked to Andres though... and he told me that I should take 2 weeks completely off from running and elliptical after the midnight mile. Then I argued with him for a while because... seriously? I was planning on starting my base training (Phase I of Jack Daniel's 5k-15k training plan) next week. But Andres does sort of have a point. My butt still hurts a lot, especially when I run...

Saturday, 11.20
Antsy. Around 6PM, jogged to the gym, went out to the track, stretched, ran 15 minutes barefoot, then did a brief track... thing. I don't even know if it counts as a workout. 2x400 + 4x200, equal rest, aiming for my goal pace for the midnight mile. (83,79)+(41,39,40,40) was what I ended up doing, but it was definitely hard. Like, I was breathing pretty heavily at the end of each. I might possibly be able to go sub-5:30 on Monday night, though, with a sparkle of luck. Including jog to gym and back, 3.5 miles.

Then some stuff in the gym: stretch, bridge (both types), clams (3x15, no resistance), side plank (1 minute each side), regular plank (1 minute), {4 random ab things}, leg curls on the leg curl machine (20 pounds, 1 set of 15, 1 set of 10 for each leg), the running arm thing (2.5 lbs, 3:30), back extensions. Good news: I think for some reason running barefoot on the grass is OK, or at least more OK than other running. Grass with shoes is not? Bad news: I'm weak.

After that: Big I. A comment made to me regarding Clara on the dance floor: "She's burning so many calories!" 'Ketchup' is calories...

Sunday, 11.21
Off. Holy shmokes my everything is OK. That sounds mildly romantic. What I mean is, my butt doesn't hurt today. I'm a little sore though. Banquet. I almost cried. Waaaaaaaaaaah!


  1. Hey I wanna join the SFTC (SWTC?) :P. Even if I am regulated to the subordinate role of "honorary member" due to my head being too small... Let us run now, you and I...


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