This is it, and nothing more.

Monday, 11.8
AM: PT @ Congress. Massaging, stretching, leg curls.
PM: Andres said not to run, but I totally forgot that he said that and I started running with the team. We did Lacy Extra Long, if I remember correctly. Probably 5. Butt/hips felt bad. I think the tennis ball bruised some.

Tuesday, 11.9
Felt sickish, opted to nap. Regret this.

Wednesday, 11.10
AM: PT @ Congress. Massaging, stretching, leg curls, clams, foam roller... I might be missing something.
PM: Ran Orange Grove. Out on Allen, back on Wilson. 5 miles, I would guess.

Thursday, 11.11
Last workout. 5-4-3-2-1 at Lacy. Ran mostly with Katja, comfortably. I wasn't feeling too great all week.

Friday, 11.12
To Oregon we flew. Prerace on the course (ran the whole thing) then 6 striders. 4 miles. It felt really great to be running among the fallen leaves and in the crisp autumn air... everyone seemed quite pleased with the course, and hopes were high.

Saturday, 11.13
Today was kind of a disappointment, but there were a few good things that happened. For example, Clara broke 26 for the first time, by a landslide.
My race: 23:49.16, 39/119. I really wanted to make the West Regional Team or whatever it's called (top 35). I thought this was going to be cake, but apparently I'm in worse shape than I thought. I also wanted to go sub-23:00, which I thought was reasonably attainable. Now I'm not so sure that it was, given that 23:00.68 was the last time to qualify for Nationals. I guess this course wasn't as fast as La Mirada? I don't really get it. Looking at the results makes me really regretful because a mere 6 seconds would have earned me a medal, and medals are nice. I think my two biggest faults were being too conservative for the first lap and giving up for the last lap (it was 3 2km laps). I didn't want to go out too fast because of the terribleness of SCIAC Championships 2 weeks ago (I guess I never elaborated on the nightmarishness of that race... basically, Juliette and I led for the first mile and we led the race the wrong way and the race organizers had to modify the course on the fly. After the first mile I just felt really shitty and had a terrible race.). But I really shouldn't have been that conservative. A start more comparable to Multi-Duals would have been ideal, where I kind of hang on the the front pack for the first mile or so. About halfway through the race, I caught up to Juliette, who had her hands on her hips. Apparently she had a stitch. But after the race she assured me that it went away quickly and didn't slow her down too much. Hmm, yeah, so going into the 3rd lap I was told I was in 37th. For some reason this knowledge made me surrender rather than encourage me to pick it up. I kept telling myself "you're going to be so disappointed if you don't pick it up, what the heck are you waiting for?" but but but I don't know. It just seemed like too much effort. Going into the final stretch, someone told the girl in front of me that she was in 31st, a shimmer of hope. But I didn't really believe that person. Juliette came through right behind me. I don't know if she held back on purpose, but I'm naturally a suspicious person. After the race Dr. R kind of shrugged and made a sound that indicated that I had run poorly or mediocre-ly or something, which honestly made me want to burst into tears, but somehow I was able to make small talk with him, and then carry on for the rest of the day without causing a scene. A success, in my opinion. Anyway, this race was a disappointing conclusion to my collegiate XC career, but the season was not. I had a couple good races, and I'm really proud of the team's accomplishments. I really couldn't have asked for more given my (and others') setbacks due to injury.

Sunday, 11.14
Off. Where did the day go?


  1. hey now. not that you need care what i think, but i think you ran well, little chicken. i am proud of you. and i am glad you decided that your last season was a net positive experience. i suppose i would continue but i think i have already said what i wanted to say.


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