Superman! Banana!

5 ladies and 5 gentlemen are going to Regionals! This makes me happy. Mmmm doughnuts.

Monday, 11.1
50 minutes on the elliptical with Susan. I had had chili for the past 4 meals so I was a little concerned that Susan would be uncomfortable in my proximity, but she seemed unfazed. We did the 20-40 minutes as a sort of workout: (1 minute hard at level 9, 1 hard at level 10, then 1 easy at level 8)x(6 or 7). This actually felt like a workout. According to the thingy, my heart rate was up to 195 after a particularly hard minute. It wouldn't have been much of one had Susan (or someone) not been there. Abs after (sorta light). Superman! Banana!

Tuesday, 11.2
Election Day. From the looks of it, I don't think California Whole Foods stores are going to start selling these any time soon...
Elliptical: 5 minutes warm-up, (3 on, 1.5 off)x5, 5 minutes cool-down, trying to match the gals' 5x800m at Lacy. The Caltech-affiliated orthopedic surg dropped by and tried to diagnose me... unfortunately he specializes in spine injuries so he wasn't really that useful. He, Andres, Susan and I decided I should cross-train this week, run next week (at least Tues/Thurs), and up my anti-inflammatory dose to a therapeutic one (500mg Aleve twice daily). It's nice to have a plan.
(Note: 'not that useful' means he thought it was sciatica, which I didn't believe at the time)

Wednesday, 11.3
Heh... so much for following plans... after heating, ran 3 laps on the south field with Clara. Felt OK, so I tried running, and stuck with it for the whole 40 minutes. It was pretty hot today. 5+ miles. Abs and ice. I feel OK.

Thursday, 11.4
AM: Met with Dr Adamson. Another sciatica diagnosis. I'll be starting some physical therapy over at Congress on Saturday. I think I can run through this if I can handle the pain. I'll probably take it easy after regionals though.
PM: Heated, then 1 lap on NF, felt good. The painkillers seem to be working their magic. Down to Lacy, 10 minute tempo, 4 minutes off, 10 minute tempo. They were supposed to be at 85% and 90%, respectively, but I think mine were more like 94%, 95%. I just wanted to prove to myself that I still had some of the fitness I had a month ago. Hot again. 6 miles?

Friday, 11.5
35 minutes on the NF with Sylvia and Clara, then Juliette for the last bit. 4 miles or so.

Saturday, 11.6
AM: Arroyo tempo loop x2. The goal was negative splits. 10:00, 9:52. Yay. Hopefully Scott didn't make me sick.
PM: PT @ Congress. Ellen figured out which areas were the worst/tightest (piriformis on both sides, R IT Band, L gluteus minimus and I think one other hip muscle...). She dug her elbow into me for a bit, then we went over stretches and tennis ball massage technique.


  1. darn... we must resort to plan B! plans are good :). I'm (vicariously) excited for Oregon!!!


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