Close your eyes, cross your fingers and think "I will get better."

A tad frustrated with my broken-ness, I had moments this week when I considered not running track next term. We'll see what happens.

Monday, 11.29

Off. Drove back "home." Wish I were still up there...

Tuesday, 11.30
2 miles after dinner. Felt weird all over. Butt/leg pain (not too too bad), queasiness (? food I guess), stiff and not used to running. I wanted to run on the field at the PCC stadium, but too much effort was required (those fences are high... and 'no trespassing' signs were foreboding). *~sigh~*

Wednesday, 12.1
December already? Uh-oh. Despite it being a terrible day for various reasons, it was still beautiful out. Ran Huntington in the veebs. Felt OK. I don't really understand why running in these doesn't hurt my butt/hips even when I'm not trying to land on my forefeet. Maybe I'm running differently without really trying? My calves started hurting on the way back (up Shenandoah/Oak Grove). We'll see how they feel tomorrow. 6 miles. 47:30.

Thursday, 12.2
Both calves sore, but left calf worse than sore... strained or somethin'. Bicycle Art Center loop, back thru South Pas. Apparently there was a tree lighting ceremony w/ carolers at the farmers' market today... but I didn't stop... perhaps had I had a partner. 18 miles.

Friday, 12.3
Off. Well... tried to run. Got about 10 meters.

Saturday, 12.4
Chantry, but didn't get too far, fearing the impending sunset. 16 miles.

Sunday, 12.5
Chantry to the helipad, 22 miles. I really like cycling in the crisp 'winter' air, and these past few rides were [I believe] my first winter rides... ever. Unfortunately the activation energy barrier to getting started for cycling is enormous compared to running. Heal calf, heal!

Week total: 8 + (56) miles. Meh... Hopefully I'm maintaining some amount of fitness.
