"I see we're all returning from break looking pleasantly plump."

Monday, 11.22
Midnight Mile! 76, 2:38, ?, 5:27. I was trying to run with Marnie of Oxy, who was leading the women for most of the race. During the last lap ~3 women passed me, don't know if they passed Marnie or not... one of them was Tave though, who kicked ass at Nationals, placing 7th with a pretty huge PR. Speaking of PR's, I'm pretty sure my previous best 1600 was 5:43, probably senior year of high school. But I don't really keep track... I've run very few 1600's. They're not really my thing. But tonight was fun!

Tuesday, 11.23
45 minutes, mostly barefoot on the South Field. "My first class" of Beginner's Track and Field. LoL. PT and core. Talked to Andres and we decided I can run 3x/week if it's barefoot since that seems to be OK.

Wednesday, 11.23 - Sunday, 11.28
Totally and completely off. Lots of time sitting in the car (drove to San Fran, then to Bend, OR, then back to LA) and lots of time eating delicious foods. <3 OR with snow. And in general.

Week total: 7 miles.


  1. So I was reading July and August of your running log... and it made me nostalgic. Let's go on runs, please? I miss those runs... Runbikeeatsleepdrinkbemerry? Yes? Yes?


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