I could fill up the room with these things I've been thinkin' about you...

It's true. Ladi dadi dadi da da da dada.

Monday, 1.10
Stationary bike (15 minutes) + Elliptical (40 minutes). Probably not the best workout since I was trying to read Richard II.

Tuesday, 1.11
12 minute tempo at Lacy. (1.7 miles? + 4 for essentially doing Lacy Long). Cut corners to catch up to Juliette, who stuck to 1600m+1000m+~300m=1.8 miles = 6:40 pace... sounds about right. I was probably closer to 7:00 pace. Baby steps.

Wednesday, 1.12
Off. Meh.

Thursday, 1.13
Garfield 2-mile tempo: 14:09 I think. mostly with Sylvia. Last year was 15:09 so at least I haven't gotten as out of shape as my post-Edinburgh self. Juliette ran really well! Very well under 14. Warmed up maybe 1.5 miles, no cool down because I had to rush to the Farmers' Market for veggies and dinner (broccoli/eggplant-based veggie burger + veggie chicken and waffles! at Firefly - Burgers, Beer, and Blues Night):

Friday, 1.14
Chantry 5 mile loop with Clara, and Perrin for a bit. Running is much less painful when it's enjoyable. Got back to the car just when it was getting dangerously dark.

Saturday, 1.15
Drove around town pretending like I was running. Maybe 1.5 miles of running total? Beautiful beautiful beautiful day!

Sunday, 1.16
13.1 LA. Took it easy with Natalya until about mile 10 when she insisted I run away. Last 3 miles were 7:17, 7:30, 7:23. Total time 1:56:20, according to the Garmin. I haven't bothered looking at results (which will be under 'Clara Eng.') A beautiful day for a run. Saw Anson (1:43!) and Kaspar (first half marathon!) there, too, which was pretty cool.

Week total: 29.7 + stuff on Monday


  1. 多謝您。。。Also I think it's kind of cool that your post was at 1:23pm.


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