Keep moving forward.

I was reminded today (by the lovely Lauren E.) of the engraving on my oft-forgotten iPod nano, which is "Keep moving forward." It's from "Meet the Robinsons," an understated film of brilliance. It inspired me back in the day. It's nice to be inspired.

New date format.

1.17.2011 - 1.23.2011

Off. Catching up/not really.

Tuesday: 6x400m: 88, 84, 85, 85, 84, 85 (or something like that). 4 miles today.

Wednesday-Thursday: Off

Friday: 4.4 miles short Huntington, with Juliette and Clara. Light abs. Later that evening, 1.25 miles. 21:16. Natty Lights this time.

Saturday: Off.

Sunday: 2 miles or so around the neighborhood. I ran out of Aleve and it hurts pretty bad. Need to get serious about getting better, or something.

Sum: 11.25 miles. This was a lazy week, running-wise and school-wise, but I'm finally done with Watson stuff (interview was Friday morning), so that's a pretty hefty weight off my shoulders.
