Re-organize nature while I compartmentalize the sky, too.

Yesterday was my last first track practice. Scott asked us how many miles we ran in December. Not having calculated that yet, I guessed that I fell under the 0-25 mile category, but apparently I ran 37. So 25-50. That's like... getting a D instead of an F. Yay! But I dunno, I feel like I did OK under the circumstances (injury, traveling, and illness). After taking it easy for a while, the sciatic pain is basically the same, so I'm just going to try to run through it. I'll start taking NSAIDs again, be good about PT, and... grin and bear it I guess.

I know I won't be getting stellar times or setting any records this season, as I once dreamt I would. But I'm still excited for several reasons. Most importantly, Sylvia, Justine, and Best are back. :)

Monday, 1.3
Lacy Long. 4 miles. Ran to Lacy with Garrett, back with Justine. Two people I haven't run with in a while. The pain wasn't too bad. I think having company takes my mind off it. Light core and weights after, then tried to get back in the swing of PT things. Need to be more diligent.

Tuesday, 1.4
Madre with Juliette. 42 minutes. 5.6 miles. Felt rather brisk. I just wanted J to have someone to run with... PT things then a lovely Cabernet with Rosy at the Ath.

Wednesday, 1.5
Huntington w/ Juliette. Took it easy today, except maybe for the middle of the run. 37 something minutes. 4.8 miles. Abs and PT. Cold whirlpool = so good.

Thursday, 1.6
To Lacy, 16 strides, back (short both ways). 4 miles or so.

Friday, 1.7
Random San Marino-ish run. Green things. 37 minutes. Probably 4 miles.

Saturday/Sunday: Off.
