It's just a brief smile crossing your face; Running speed trials, standing in place.

1.24.2011 - 1.30.2011

30 minutes elliptical + 20 minutes running (barefoot NF). Abs, then PT, cold whirlpool.

Tuesday: 5x800m: 3:01, 2:57, 3:01, 3:04, 3:01. ~2 minute break between 1/2 and 2/3, ~3 minute break between 3/4 and 4/5. Warm-up to Allen and back, 9 minute cool down, Hurdle drills. Holy smokes the hurdle drills were hard! I think because they used my hip flexors and other hip and butt muscles that have been hurting/resting for a while. One could surmise that the drills are therapeutic, if not overdone?

Wednesday: High jump lesson with Kim (on her birthday!). Did not go nearly as badly as I thought it would. Kind of fun, actually. After that, Orange Grove backwards with C. Eng. 5.4 miles. (The running was pretty painful... I should really just do cross training on MWF) Then abs and hurdle drills (with a good number of folks--Zhangsta, Keeley, Clara, me, and some chick, I think her name is Carrie). PT things (everything but isometric and IT band, both of which I've been neglecting for a while...), then iced in the whirlpool, which was really cold... (45 F then 48 F after adding some hot).

Thursday: (5 on, 2 off)x4 at Lacy. We did the 1000m loop for each one. Came through the 1000m at roughly 4:00 each time, and made it just past the same tree in the last minute each time (the same tree that it takes a minute to get to when starting the loop), so I'd say it was a success. 20:00 5k pace at this point isn't bad. I was definitely tired on the last one, though. The legs hurt a little, especially during warm-up and cool-down, but it wasn't bad. (Found comparison, Feb. 4 last year, I was running 4:10-4:20/km pace on the workout)

Did PT (partly with Katja--apparently she does the same bridge thingies that I do!), then iced. Weird thing: my hamstring flexibility today was significantly greater than it has been since ~August. This is really exciting! I really hope it stays this way! I don't know if it's the Aleve or the hurdle stuff or the high jump stuff (note: my back is really sore today from high jump yesterday. Also sciatic nerve starts in the lower back), but I'm going to keep doing all of it. :-D 6.5 miles today? (55 minutes?)

PS I really admire Katja for going to the trainers every day in an attempt to get better even though she's been injured since xc and can't do track or swimming. Also, she remains chipper.

Friday: Elliptical-ed for 40 minutes (last 6.5 minutes made easier by this song, which I've decided is ideal for elliptical-ing), then core and hurdle drills with Clara. Fun times. Apparently Zhangsta is coming out tomorrow to work on hurdling. He's such a go-getter! Oh yeah, then PT and now ice.

Saturday: 35 minutes elliptical, 6.5 minutes barefoot South Field (felt good but decided to flee from the frisbees), 20 minutes elliptical (the higher knees one). Some weights, and minimal PT stuff.

Sunday: Hopefully PT things at some point.

Sum: About 20 miles running, 125 minutes elliptical. I feel... kind of great. But that might be the caffeine overdose.


  1. i'm doing the steeple this saturday and i didn't do any hurdle work during break... o_O
    ahh i feel so bad for katja =/

  2. Lol... I'm doing SCH on Saturday and haven't really done any hurdle work at all... I think you'll be fine. I'm excited to watch!


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