Wrapping up 2010.

Monday, 12.13 - Thursday 12.16
Off. Flying, Tokyo, Hong Kong.

Friday, 12.17
4 miles on the HKUST astroturf with Clara, in Vibrams. The calves seemed to be doing OK.

Saturday, 12.18
Sir Cecil's Ride with Clara. 5.8 miles. We both thought we were allergic to everything but really we were getting sick... I was sick until 12/28, Clara is still sick I think. I probably brought in some Japanese pathogens.

Sunday, 12.19 - Saturday 12.25
Off. Saved the little energy I had for sightseeing and, of course, eating delicious food.

Sunday, 12.26
Felt well enough to run. 2 Jungle Run Loops with Clara. It was a lovely day. I was really stiff though. I guess from not running. Moderate sciatic pain on the first lap, mild on the second. 6 miles.

Monday, 12.27 - Thursday, 12.30
Off. Flying, vomiting, recuperating. Sleeping a lot.

Friday, 12.31
45 minutes on the elliptical after a failed attempt at running. I remembered KB saying that indoor cross training is much more bearable if you listen to a podcast. Listened to Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me. Worked pretty well. Some weights after.

