Hibernation Week.

5 papers to write, then one term till... ?

3.7.2011 - 3.13.2011

Monday - Wednesday: Off. Chicago then traveling then... ? Lazing about.

Thursday: To Lacy, 5-4-3-2-1 with Clara, back. 4.7 miles?

Friday: This evening made me remember that I kind of love track. It was a good night for Caltech. First, Juliette ran her 800 in 2:30.51, which isn't a PR for her, but it still puts her in #6 on the All-Time Top 10 List. Then Alan won his 1500 heat in 4:16, and the Zhangsta won his in 4:30 (apparently matching pace for his mile PR). Also Will PR'ed by "like 20 seconds" in the 15. Justine won her 1500 heat, running as "Marlyn Moore," in 5:15.97, PR-ing and giving her a spot on the top 10 list (dangerously close to some chick named Stephanie Wuerth, #9). [Cheering squad broke for Banh Mi and Beer]. Sylvia ran a pretty solid 5k (20:17.93), as did Megumi (20:02.88). Then Juliette crushed the school record in the 10k (41:45.54, previously 42:50).

For bookkeeping, I'd guess Perrin and I ran ~40 minutes today at the meet. Pretty painless. I think it was influenced by my mood.

Saturday: 40 minutes (to NF in vibrams, round it some, shoeless, back). Felt really stiff, butt hurt a bit. Not too too slow, though...

Sunday: I don't want to get too excited, but today's run felt really good. Basically painless, as far as sciatica/butt/piriformis go, but clearly I'm out of shape. Ran Huntington (Schloss-->San Pasqual-->Sierra Madre-->Huntington-->Virginia-->stairs-->Red Door to get my bike). Wore my Garmin for the first time in a while, which made me huff a bit... 5.20 miles, 7:44 avg mile pace (the first 3 were 7:20-7:30, last couple more like 8:20-30--which I blame on uphill-ness). The sun sets late today!

2 more papers before I leave for Berkeley on Tuesday!

Oh btw - everything this week was either barefoot or in Vibrams.

Sum: ~19 miles. Look out world.
