Where one door closes, another one opens.

3.14.2011 - 3.20.2011

Monday - Tuesday: Off. The Ides of March did not bring good news: I think it's this girl's fault. But oh well.

Wednesday: 45 minutes in Berkeley. From McCone, trying to find the fire trail... by the time I found it I basically had to turn back. Got sidetracked along the way and ran up little trails... all of which were really steep and muddy. I got quite dirty (read: fell on my @$$).

Thursday: Brown Mtn. ~8 miles. Didn't come back on El Prieto to do the loop--went up and down Brown Mountain Rd. This was. So. Freaking. Difficult.

Friday: HAWAII! ~22 minutes in the dark on the roads near Poolaani with Best. Chased by dogs.

Saturday - Sunday: Off. I think... Maybe some walking down into a caldera then running back up it.

Sum: ~16 miles.
