The lovers, the dreamers, and me.

In Hawaii this week for the GPS Pahoehoe trip. Good times. Didn't run too much though...

3.21.2011 - 3.27.2011

Monday - Tuesday: One of these days was off, the other involved ~20 minutes of running around Poulaani (sp?). With Best, o'course.

Wednesday: Today we moved from the treehouse (Poulaani) to cabins in Kalopa State Park. Dan, Best, Andrew and I decided to check out the trails near the cabins before sunset. We ran up up up through the forest until we reached a clearing from which we could see Mauna Kea and the Keck observatory, which was pretty cool. That took 12 minutes (1.25 miles). We still had a bit of daylight left, so we decided to try going down a different way than we came up, since Jason indicated that there was a loop. Bad decision. We (slowly and carefully) ran down a seemingly neverending and somewhat neglected-looking treacherously steep creekside trail. After about 30 minutes the trail ran into the creek and Andrew decided we should backtrack to the clearing and go down the way we came up (we found out the next day that had we crossed the creek we would have been home-free... *sigh*). So yeah... we started walking back up. It was dark (good thing Dan and I had 'headtorches,' which is apparently how you call them in Nottingham). Dogs were barking and trees were hissing and there was this crazy insect making a sound identical to my watch's alarm clock. A few times we tried completing the loop by taking turn-offs, but none of those trails seemed to connect to anything of use. Anywho, after about 90 minutes of total time we made it back to the clearing, and THE STARS WERE SO FANTASTIC. Then after a brief mishap we were on our way back down (led by Best!). When we were about 200m from the cabins, we ran into our search party--Will, Robin, Steve, Gretchen, and... probably some other people--who gave us water and jackets and such. I think Jason was upset at our irresponsibility. But hey, we made it back safe, and isn't that what matters most? 3 miles of running, perhaps.

Thursday: Forest loop, take 2. This time it was Andrew, Dan, Will, Alex and I. We looked at a map before disembarking and decided to go up the way we tried to come down the previous night (that way the unfamiliar part would be done in the fleeting daylight). Going up this way was quite difficult and took 20 minutes. Andrew and I made it to the clearing with some time to spare, so we ran down a ways to join the others for the last bit up. Then we all rolled under the barbed wire fence and did 4 striders in the pasture before heading down. Going down was quick for Andrew and I... maybe 10 minutes? We'll call this one 3.3 miles. Some ab stuff at the bottom.

Friday: In the AM, to the clearing and back (2.5 mi). Sore sore sore. I blame Andrew.

Saturday: Off. Home sweet Schloss sweet cupcakes, bread pudding, etc.

Sunday: Chantry 5-mile loop with Anton, the Zhangsta, and the Schors. Apparently it rained quite a bit in the past week... so the stream crossings were tricky. A good run, though. I like sharing the knowledge.

Sum: ~17 miles.


  1. also, i like how 90 minutes of trail time = 3 miles of running

  2. Yeah, after we decided to backtrack, we were walking.


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