oh please just last.

3.28.2011 - 4.3.2011

Monday: Off. Sore from yesterday and um... burnt out.

Tuesday: Quite steamy today. Warmed up on the field (3 laps), then to Allen and back, then 6x800m (in Vibrams, in Lane -1... so something short of 800m actually): 2:58, 3:00, 3:02, 3:02, 3:03, 3:04. Then 15 minutes cool-down. 6 miles today? Some PT stuff and cold whirlpool after. My legs hurt, like they did before...

Wednesday: 40 minutes barefoot SF, first half w/ Justine. After Justine left, I went really slow. I'd say an average of 10 minute miles... lol... right so then I did PT things (ham stretch, easy and hard bridges, clams with red band, tennis ball massage... no isometric, leg curls or side plank... or foam roller... maybe I should be more thorough). Cold whirlpool.

Thursday: Off.

Friday: 20 minutes or so, 6 strides. No yogurt.

Saturday: 4 way at Caltech. 3000m SCH (1st/5) 12:54.44, 5k (10th/11) 21:47.69. The SCH was fun but my legs were pretty dead for the 5k. ~8 miles today w/ warm-up and cool-down.

Sunday: Off. Sore.

Sum: ~20 miles.


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