It's alright because I like the way it hurts.

Monday, 7.26
I think I'm only happy when I'm running, sadly... Happily? Anywho, some out-and-back business in the Arroyo with Justine, finishing just as it was getting dark. We saw Susan and Henry on Arroyo Dr. on the way back. They were listening to "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round" in the car. Henry didn't look pleased. The weather was so fantastic and so was the company! 8 miles, 67 minutes.

Tuesday, 7.27
11 miles: Super Lower Arroyo (including excursions to the water tower and rooster farm), 93 minutes, with Clara. It was a struggle getting started, but once that hurdle was hurdled, the going was pretty OK. Except coming back on California my legs were really tired and the top of my right foot hurt and now my ankle hurts pretty badly. Need ice, and possibly new shoes.

Wednesday, 7.28

Thursday, 7.29
5k Rose Bowl Tempo with Keeley. 20:22 (6:33 mile pace). ~15 minute warm-up, ~15-minute cool-down, so almost 7 miles today. We went out too fast, but overall it felt pretty good. Roast beef dip from Sandwiches by Connal after. OMG meat is so tasty.

Friday, 7.30
Patrician, back through RB, with Clara and Justine. A nice run. 11.2 miles, 96 minutes. R ankle hurts a bit... I seem to recall twisting it at some point this week. Hmmm...

Saturday, 7.31
34 minutes shoeless on NF, followed by abs and such. 3.7 miles. I was really tired. Also, some Brits kept throwing their frisbee at me. I began to suspect that they were aiming.

Sunday, 8.1
Argh August already??? Boo. Headed to Malibu Creek SP with Clara to do (basically) this. But we kind of got lost, mostly at the beginning and end. So I'll say 16 miles. At least. A little over 3 hours of time, but some of that was spent standing around deciding how to get un-lost. Brunch buffet at the Inn of the Seventh Ray after, followed by some meandering in Venice, mostly to get coffee to facilitate my driving back without passing out. Oh, addiction.

Week total: 56.9 miles. Not a small number.
