Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone...

I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run. [In honor of (a) being a closet Taylor Swift fan; (b) a boat called "Love Story" we passed on the Rhine; and (c) our bikes being christened Romeo B. (mine) and Juliet(te) (Clara's)]

Monday, June 14
Off. "Packing," taking care of things that need to be done.

Tuesday, June 15
Off. Actually packing.

Wednesday, June 16
Off. Flying flying flying to magical lands. (When did I start typing in the same manner as I speak, repeating words like that?). Oh also some walking up Philosopher's Way in Heidelberg. Mark Twain don't know shit.

Thursday, June 17
Ran (almost all the way) up Konigstuhl in Heidelberg. 86 minutes, probably 9.5 miles or so. This was a stressful run, because I thought I had lost Clara forever. But then she turned up at the hostel, and everything was OK. After some showers and frühstück we took our lovely beach cruisers on a test ride along the Neckar River, Heidelberg to Zwingenberg and back. Henning said it's about 50km to Zwingenberg, so probably biked 60 miles. Oh and we had these amazingly orgasmic German pancakes in Hirshhorn:

Friday, June 18
Took the train to Strasbourg today. Had a pleasant evening run on the trails near the hostel. 40 minutes, probably about 4.5 miles.

Saturday, June 19
Still in Strasbourg. Markets, picnics, and modern art make for a good day. Ran 50:30 on the trails again, then 4x100m striders, 2 Heather ab circuits. When we did air humps an old man walking in the park said "Vous êtes très jolie." 6 miles today.

Sunday, June 20
First day of bike tour (like, bikes used to get from point A to point B). Strasbourg to Breisach, was supposed to only be... 50 miles or something... but we got lost a lot, because we were trying to follow the bike route/path right along the Rhine, which apparently isn't well kept for this stretch. We probably should have taken the Rheintalweg, inland on roads/cycleways, but oh well, we made it eventually. Probably ended up being 70 miles. Once in Breisach, we did drills, push-ups, and dips on/near this really old fort. Germany is our gym!

Week total: 20 + (130) miles


  1. Those crepes were so so so so so so so so so good. Just wanted to let your blog readership know. :P Unless they don't comment or stalk your comments. Ehhh...


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