There's no schloss like home.

Monday, July 5
Off. Really stressful day of missing trains. And things blocking train tracks.

Tuesday, July 6
Off. Returned bikes in Heidelberg, such sweet sorrow. Headed to Frankfurt. Saw the sights.

Wednesday, July 7
Long day of plane riding. Ran Huntington (back on Old Mill) in the evening with Clara, Ian, and Heather. Heather brought yummy yummy cupcakes. I think I ate more than my share. But don't I always? Abs and light weights with Clara. 6 miles. 50 minutes.

Thursday, July 8
Brown Mountain Loop with Clara. Oh trails. Oh cow. 74 minutes. 8 miles?

Friday, July 9
Chantry with Ian, Clara, Justine, and Heather. Somewhere between 70 and 80 minutes. Probably 8 miles again. Me likes this trail a lot.

Saturday, July 10
43 minutes barefoot on the North Field, in the evening. Ian showed up around 17 minutes and kept me company. It's nice to have company. 5.5ish miles.

Sunday, July 11
10.5 miles. 88 minutes with Clara. I was going to ride my bicycle today, but I wanted to do something more efficient so as not to miss the World Cup final. A good run... but the legs were a little dead. Also, what kind of breakfast place is closed on Sunday?

Week total: 38 miles


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