A little bit slow; consistently inconsistent.

Monday, 7.19
Off. I was so out of it today. Felt really drugged up. Needed rest.

Tuesday, 7.20
AM: Tu Madre, 5.8 miles (46:46), with Ian and Clara. We all seemed quite tired. The weather was pretty nice, though.
PM: Lacy Extra Long, 5.6 miles (47), with self. Uh oh top of right foot and right shin are peeved. Grassy grass tomorrow!

Wednesday, 7.21
AM: 41 minutes shoeless on NF avec Ian. 5 miles? I dunno. Fancy french toast w/ Heather afterward. Both Ian and Heather are leaving me forever within the next week or so. :-(
PM: Bicycle Chantry, to Helipad w/ Heather (22 miles?). We saw Ian on the way down and he met us @ Lucky's afterwards. Lovely evening for a ride. Lots of folks had the same idea.

Thursday, 7.22
Ian-Themed Scavenger Hunt Run: 7.8+1.8 (Arroyo tempo loop)+0.6 (Lacy 800m loop + striders). 10.2 miles. With Ian, Chief, Keeley, Andy, and Clara, plus Susan and Henry until Singer Park (I pushed the stroller for like... 2 miles of this run... it wasn't too bad...), and Justine and Heather for a bit. Tasty Daisymint after. I will miss Ian. He is a good person to have around. But lives must go on, I suppose.

Friday, 7.23
Off, save a bike ride to Smadre and back with Heather, for massages from Kim. 10 miles.

Saturday, 7.24
Biked toward San Diego with Perrin, Keeley and Michael. In San Clemente, my chain broke. I got it fixed, but decided to take the train back from there (forcing Michael to join me), because no amount of caffeine could rescue me from my state of annoyance/fatigue/etc. I just wanted to go home! Keeley and Perrin made it to San Diego safely, though, so that's good. I'm sad that I didn't get to see Simone. 75 miles. Oh! And the train ride ended up being free! Because we waited to buy tickets on the train, and didn't have cash, and their credit machines were broken. "It's your lucky day" the train man said. We decided to use that $55 we saved on a nice dinner @ Fatty's. Fudgey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 7.25
Brown Mountain. 8 miles. 76 minutes. It's weird that I can go for runs at noon, in the summer, in Southern California. Felt pretty OK, but I don't think I was going very speedily. The climb from the sign thingy at the bottom to the saddle took 34 minutes, which I think is a little slower than it has taken in the past, but I'm not actually sure about that. Also, some biking later in the day with Heather... not much... just to the gold line and then from Vermont and Sunset up to Griffith Observatory and back... but miles are miles (8?)

Week total: 35 miles + (115)
