May the road rise to meet you, O you butterflies of the Schlong.

Monday, 7.12
58 minutes. 7 miles? South Field with Clara, Garrett, and Ryan for 20 minutes, then Lacy Long backwards with Ryan (and Clara for a bit). Phase 2 was quite brisk. Left calf is sore/tight/possibly bruised or something... I don't really know.

Tuesday, 7.13
Lower, to the casting pond, with Ryan. 9.4 miles. No watch. The first half felt pretty good, but then my legs suddenly lost their spunk. Also the calf is still sore. Hmmm...

Wednesday, 7.14
AM: Clara and I "conned and willed" our legs into running 34 minutes on the Rose Bowl trails before meeting L.S. and L.S. in training at Marston's for breakfast. I don't know why Food Network Magazine says Marston's has the best breakfast in CA. I've had better elsewhere. I'll say 3.6 miles, so that yesterday + this morning makes a nice round number.
PM: 30 minutes barefoot on the SF w/ Clara, Ian, and Ryan. Megumi joined us for abdominal things. Need to clear out the Pilates for Men Room. ;-)

Thursday, 7.15
Evening, Huntington, from gym, back on Virginia, with Perrin. Apparently Perrin's hamstring is good now. It was really hot for this one. 5 miles. 43 minutes, I think. That one running weight thing in the weight room afterwards (3 minutes).

Friday, 7.16
Long loop at Chantry w/ Ian, Ryan, Clara, and Justine. ~10 miles. 97 minutes. Stage 1: la di da, familiar. Stage 2: sucky switchbacks, midge cloud. Stage 3: nice hazy view, praying that velociraptors don't spring out from the shrubs, a bit of sliding on the \/\/\. Stage 4: road back to the parking lot, injured a bird who flew into my shoe. This was a good run! I will definitely be sore tomorrow though.

Saturday, 7.17
65 minutes at Debs with Ian. Probably 7.5 miles. Yayyyyyyyyyy park. Hmm... then I drove a lot... because I didn't want to go back to a broken home... which made me feel guilty... so after mending my broken home I went on a (metro + bike) date w/ Michael... Lamill (Clover machines aren't worth $11,000), Cru (vegan ice cream/tiramisu sooooo good), etc. (~10 miles)

Sunday, 7.18
Biked to Huntington Beach with Pear, Michael, Ragnar, Wade, and Ryan. At the beach, while the rest were napping, Ryan and I ran 40 minutes on the bike path thingy. We seemed to be moving quite speedily, but I could be mistaken. Maybe 5.2 miles. Ryan, Michael and I biked back after that. ~80 miles biking today.

Week total: 51.2 + (90) miles. First 50 mile + week in recorded history. :)
