
Showing posts from 2011

Frolic and play, the Eskimo way.

The great indoors.

"Without dreams, we'd never get fast." ~G. Drayna

I don't mind the weather.

Chicago Marathon Race Report

Learning how to walk again.

"The race is long" (Smiley, quoting someone else).

Impending doom.

Something I've never done before.

A recovery week?

Red rocks and such.

New running buddies and a plan of sorts.

Registered! And a little concerned.

Some catching up.

Res Severa Verum Gaudia.


Return of the spandex.

There's a ton of the twist, but we're fresh out of shout.

Hello CO!

The last week.

The rest is still unwritten...

Think about where you want to be. (/where you want to eat.)

So. Much. Cake.

What you thought was a hurricane was just the rustling of the wind.

Still staring at a clean white page.

Is this it?

Mountains beyond mountains, and there's no end in sight.

Holy moley, me oh my.

Yours is a funeral I'd fly to from anywhere.